Public Art Installation

The Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre is excited to announce the installation of a public art project for our building! After months of planning, designing, and plotting, the installation took place in the final week of June 2019 with the help of museum staff and volunteers.

A project-specific selection committee chose local visual artists Andy Holmes and Martine Bédard to create the art piece. Andy and Martine have been making art collaboratively for over 20 years. They are founders of Art for People, an organization that raises funds for creative projects around the world. Andy and Martine created a unique, site-specific art installation for the Museum, which was inspired by the mountains, the people and the local animals which together weave the fabric of our community. The project can be best described as a three-dimensional mural composed of a collage of buildings, characters, and landscapes that reflect the story of the City of Rossland and historic Red Mountain mining camp.

In collaboration with our local metal fabrication shop Moustache Metalworks (Mofab), the design was translated into aluminium cutouts in bright, eye-catching colours to be mounted on the south walls of the museum. The location of the mural makes for a highly-visible, colourful gateway to the City of Rossland, introducing visitors to the incredible history and art of our community.

We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Andy Holmes, Martine Bédard, Candice Chernenkoff-Tarr (Mofab), and Matt Titheridge (Mofab) for this exciting visual arts project with the support of the Columbia Basin Trust Public Art program.

Come check out this amazing art installation at the Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre – open year-round!


Save the Date: Art of the Vintner - An Educational Evening of Wine & Food


July Calendar